Chief Financial Officer Vacancy

Trust Vacancy: Chief Financial Officer

We are seeking a Chief Financial Officer to take the lead on Trust Finances. The position will report directly to the Chief Executive Officer and will take a seat within the Executive Leadership Team alongside Academy Heads, the Chief Operating Officer and Trust Executive.

The position will enjoy the full support and professional challenge you need to succeed and will report into the full Trust Board and the Finance and Resource committee on a regular basis.

This position will also lead and line manage a finance team, which currently consists of three part-time Finance Assistants and a Finance Manager.

The Trust in its current position on its journey of growth, is open to discussing flexibility of hours and an agile working pattern that considers attendance at the Trust/Academy office and use of Teams. It is acknowledged that as the Trust grows, so will the role. Any part-time hours will likely grow incrementally with the needs and demands of the role.

To view more details and to apply, visit us here:

We encourage discussion and conversation prior to application. If you wish to discuss the role in more detail, please feel free our CEO, Dan Rosser, directly at

Governance leader: Vacancies!

The governance of the school is strong. Relationships between governors and senior leaders are highly positive and constructive, based on a mutual understanding of support and challenge. Together they uncompromisingly strive for excellence and have a strong vision for the future success of the school.” Ofsted July 2019

Northampton Free School Trust is seeking additional governance leaders in order to build upon our committed and passionate team of governors and members. In particular, we are keen to hear from prospective governors with legal expertise.

To find out more, please contact us at

Local Authority Support: Free School Proposals

The Local Authority has identified that additional primary and secondary capacity is required to meet both current and forecast demand in the town.

The Trust is delighted to receive support from the Local Authority to submit our bids to the Department for Education.

As well as helping the Local Authority fulfil its statutory obligation of providing sufficiency of school places in Northamptonshire, the proposed new free schools would help provide increased choice and diversity of school places for parents of pupils being educated both now and in future years.

Thank you to Northamptonshire County Council for their support.


Our vision is to create outstanding schools in Northampton, delivering strong academic achievement, developing strong values and promoting citizenship, community and service.

We employ tried and tested teaching methods and the holistic development of each of our learners allows them to gain the confidence and skills to positively contribute to local communities and to participate in a global society. Our curriculum promotes social mobility and enhance the life chances of all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged.

Our learners bring pride and joy to Northampton through their good character, active participation and service and academic achievement.

Well-being at Northampton Free School Trust


We embrace well-being as a powerful tool to growing the capability, independence and resilience of our learners and staff, enabling them to realise their richest potential.

We foster in learners and staff the ability to solve their own problems, generate their own opportunities, equipping them to thrive in their future lives and careers

As is the case at Wootton Park School, well-being will be a key focus area for our proposed free schools.

Wootton Park School: Graded Outstanding by Ofsted!

Wootton Park School rated as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted

We are delighted that our school received the top grade in all five inspection categories of its first Ofsted report: overall effectiveness, leadership and management, behaviour and safety of pupils, quality of teaching, achievement of pupils and early years provision.

Ofsted praised the school for its outstanding leadership: “The principal, together with senior leaders and governors, leads with unapologetic ambition and an unwavering determination to secure the highest possible standards of education and well-being for pupils and staff”.

Inspectors also noted that “The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is of a consistently high quality” and that “Achievement is outstanding in the early years and at key stages 1 and 3″.

To read the report, visit Wootton Park School’s website here

Engagement Event!

The Trust behind Wootton Park School is proposing to open another two high-quality schools for Northampton.

In order for our proposals to be successful, we need to demonstrate to the Department for Education that the schools are well supported and that we have engaged with parents and the wider community about our plans.

To share your views, please visit us at our engagement event on 9th October 2019. Our events opens at 4pm with a presentation at 5pm.

To help us plan for the event, please book your place by visiting and entering code hygy9

We look forward to meeting you!

Open Evenings: Wootton Park School

Families of prospective Year 7 learners are invited to visit our exceptional all-through school.

Come and find out why you should choose Wootton Park School for your child.

Year 7 Open Evenings

  • Tuesday 17th September 2019
  • Wednesday 25th September 2019
  • Thursday 10th October 2019

To book you place, please visit and enter code: yzn4v

Principal’s presentations will take place at 6.00pm, 6.45pm and 7.30pm.

Please note the tours led by Learner Ambassadors will finish at 7.30pm.